Call for nominations for the Richard-von-Mises Prize of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) 2025

Since 1989, the Richard-von-Mises Prize is awarded every year by GAMM to a scientist for exceptional scientific achievements in the field of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.

Traditionally, GAMM will present the prize during the opening ceremony of the GAMM Annual Meeting and the prize winner will present her/his research in a plenary talk.

The aim of the prize is to reward and encourage young scientists whose research represents a major advancement in the field of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. The price includes a certificate, a biennial free membership in the GAMM e.V. and a donation of 2000 Euro. To accommodate the width of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, the prize committee may decide to split the prize (and therefore the prize money) in equal parts to two persons.

At the time of nomination, the award winner should neither hold a tenured professorship nor have been offered one, and their doctorate must have been completed no more than 6 years ago. Deviations from this time frame as a consequence of inactive periods due to sickness or maternity leaves will be taken into account. The GAMM aims at a well-balanced representation of the two fields Applied Mathematics and Mechanics among the Richard-von-Mises award winners as well as at a well-balanced gender distribution.

Nominations can be made by university professors or academic persons in similar positions.
Self  nomination is accepted.

Nominations should contain a justification letter by the nominating persons and the following material concerning the nominee:

  • curriculum vitae,
  • list of publications,
  • copies of the most important articles (at most 4).

Nominations should be sent to the Geschäftstelle of GAMM in Dresden preferably in electronic  form.

The President of GAMM, Prof. Karsten Urban, is the chair of the Richard von Mises Prize Committee.

The deadline  for nomination is 30th September 2024.

Geschäftsstelle der GAMM
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Michael Kaliske
Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Statik und Dynamik der Tragwerke
Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen
01062 Dresden

Telefon: +49(0) 351-463-33448
Telefax: +49(0) 351-463-37086