Membership Fees are as Follows

100 Euro

Ordinary member (1) (2)

55 Euro

Junior member (less than 32 years old)

55 Euro

Ordinary members from countries in the current OECD DAC list

30 Euro

Junior member (less than 32 years old) from countries in the current OECD DAC list

20 Euro

Bachelor-, Master- and Diploma students

65 Euro

Reziprocity member (3)

500 Euro

Corporative member

55 Euro

University institution (e.g. library, institute)

(1) Retirees as well as unemployed persons can receive, if their financial situation requires this, by application to the Treasurer a reduction to 55 €.

(2) Members may acquire upon retirement a lifetime membership through a one-time payment of 4 membership fees.

(3) As GAMM Reciprocity member you can get a reduction of fee in the following Societies:

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
American Mathematical Society
Associação Brasileira de Ciêncas Mecânicas
Association Française de Mécanique
Association de Mécanique du Vietnam
Australian Mathematical Society
Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematical Society
Canadian Mathematical Society
Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Croatian Mathematical Society
Czech Society for Mechanics
Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV)
Indian Mathematical Society
Netherland Mathematical Society
Polish Mathematical Society
Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
Société de Mathématiques Appliqués et Industrielles
South African Association for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
South African Mathematical Society
South African Society for Numerical and Applied Mathematics (SANUM)

Instructions for the Payment of the Membership Fee

All payments are requested to the following account:

Deutsche Bank 24 Wuppertal
Konto-Nr. 2220911
BLZ 330 700 24
IBAN: DE09 3307 0024 0222 0911 00

According to §6 (3) of the statute, every member is obliged to pay unsolicited the annual fee to GAMM.

If you join from October 1st of a calendar year, the membership fee will only be charged for the following year.

The Treasurer directs to the members of the GAMM in Germany the urgent request to join to the direct debit. Please use for this the following form:

Method of Payment

The society for applied mathematics and mechanics serves according to certificate of the tax office Karlsruhe city from the 11th September, 2006 exclusively and immediately tax-preferred charitable purposes in terms of §§51 following AO. The membership fees are drawable off after §10b paragraph 1 EStG, §9 paragraph 1 No. 2 KStG and §9 No. 5 GewSTG like donations as allowances.